New site

Hello puppets, it’s me!
I have switched myself and my blog over to my very own .com site – so overly happy and scared of the endless possibilities I can delve into now. So this is just a little post to let everyone know that from now on, my blog will be operating from, and I do apologize any and all flaws and weird happenings on my blog for the next couple of weeks as I am in the painful process of getting to know css, html and things I have no idea what they mean on a more DIY level. But I hope that it will get to be the most fantastic book blog written by a hybrid scandinavian ever!! So feel free to send love and happy thoughts this way (or, rather send it to my boyfriend, as he is getting the raw end of my constant ‘what’s that’, ‘how do I do that’ and ‘no, that does NOT WORK!!! d***’).
Have a nice day.

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