Wishing upon a portmonee

Ok, so you have to know this. It’s valuable information for future reference and you might just get that next dream job if you read the following text:

If this was a book wish list, I would wish for these:

  • VE3 Composition No. 1 by Marc Saporta : yet another fabulous book made by Visual Editions, the same publisher that made Jonathan Safran Foer’s Tree of Codes. It’s basically a box of loose sheets of paper, and the point of this whole exercise is that you decide how you read it, not some upper-managment-book-editor/writer-type, YEAH! Down with progressive narrative!
  • Unclean Jobs for Women and Girls by Alissa Nutting : not sure if it is a type of appraisal of shitty jobs for women or what, but I am drawn to it simply because of this title. Although it might say something slightly less positive about my critical sense, I am open to the idea that it just might blow me away.
  • Go the Fuck to Sleep by Adam Mansbach : a pissed of parent who is not afraid to swear at kids before speech centers have evolved, how can you not read that, it’s so in these days to express in books just how annoying your kids are. Self-theraputic and letting us childless know that those who have are fully aware that they have stupid babies…. I said it…
  • Fear of flying by Erica Jong : I just have to see if I too will have an epiphany.
  • 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami : is it riding on the tail feathers of George Orwell’s 1984? Yes. Is it important that it does so? Maybe. Doth me mind? Noooot at all. I went to see the movie version of Murakami’s “Norwegian Wood” yesterday, and it is highly recommendable. One of those movies you could watch more than once, just to see if it had changed since the last time.
  • Bernhard Hvals forsnakkelser by Lars Saabye Christensen : I am a sucker for the anti-hero, and am hoping this guy can tell me something I don’t already know.
  • Folkets Prosa by Rasmus Graff : taking the dictionary that has been a part of almost every household, and compose a book out of the seemingly random/weird/archaic/non-practical sentences that exemplify the words. What is the point of life if not a study in the complexity and sometimes alienation of language?
Ok, so this is only a small section of the books I wish for. I could go on and on, and every time I feel like closing this post something new pops in my line of sight. Right now I am doing something about my terrible faux pas claim that Danish immigration literature is non-existent and reading MuhameDANEREN by Tarek Omar – I’ll let you know how that goes. And while staying in that track I am seriously thinking about picking up Ukulele-jam by Alen Mescovic. And you can tell me what books you are reading or wishing for.


  1. Reply
    Turið 04/10/2011

    Marry your boyfriend, without him knowing it, when he finds out, let him divorce you, et voila: Alimony!
    There are probably other cool ways to get book-money, but I can’t think of any right now….probably why I’m not rich myself…

    I am reading: Je, Tu, Nous by Luce Irigaray and Kalak by Kim Leine. Currently waiting for Simone de Beauvoir – The Second Sex. Soo, no books on my wishlist.

    I’ve “read” Go the Fuck to Sleep!! Or it was read to me by Samuel L. Jackson!! Slept soundly.

    • Reply
      Penciltwister 05/10/2011

      Oh wauw, really? Was it good? When/why did you read it and how did you hear about it?

  2. Reply
    Turið 05/10/2011

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNhnCD0EZtE – Youtube! My bible 😉

    • Reply
      Penciltwister 05/10/2011

      Fantastic, I didn’t know that the whole reading was online. Luv the internet, thank you internet. Now I can check that off my list… well, sort of, I still want to see the pictures in the book for myself 🙂

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