Yey me!!!
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: if you wanna win the lottery, buy a ticket!! (ok, confession, that’s not true, I don’t say that, but Julia Roberts says it in ‘Eat, Prey, Love’, so soon everybody is gonna say it, so I might as well start the first wave in Denmark).
Anywayyyy: I’ve won a bookpacket in MEGA litt’s booklottery!!!
The thing is, I don’t know which one, because I guess they randomly select between the names and packets, plus they won’t say or be more specific than just ‘you won, congrats’ (very secretive indeed, wonder why) but I am keeping my fingers crossed for some of the packets, and very uncrossed for others.
My winning number is 18 – you can see it here – yey, big smiles, applause, a-thanka-you, bow, exit – and the bookpackets are here.
I remember reading about a girl, Tora, who lives in a small, shabby island community in the northern part of Norway with her mother and stepfather in the 1950’s. She is a ‘tyskerunge’ and this has great consequence for her. The hatred towards Germany is great after WWII, and any sign left of the occupation is unwelcome. Tora is bullied, her stepfather abuses her and her mother is struggling with herself and survival. Tora must find ways to survive or get by in life in spite of the adversity.
It was one of my favorite books growing up. I was intrigued by this term and what lay behind it. It was also another entry point to WWII, which I had knowledge of as a war, but not so much what kind of consequences faced a big part of the world both during and after.
Later on, Wassmo wrote about Dina, which was so popular it was made into a movie called ‘I am Dina’. And now Wassmo is out with ‘Hundre år’ (A hundred years). She joins the ranks of novel writers exploring the generational tale with the recount of the women in her family. The book is definitely on my to-buy list, maybe I’ll even go nuts tonight and buy it in the bookstore and get it autographed 🙂
It pays to be totally maniacal when it comes to checking websites that give ‘free’ stuff away. Last week I was quick enough to be one of the five fastest to volunteer at DR’s Testklubben to review ‘Sumobrødre‘ by Morten Ramsland. The prize? One copy of the book, free of charge. Score! I am starting on it today, and on the 22nd it will be introduced on ‘Smagsdommerne’ (a review program on DR2), and the site will open up for reviews.
The only other time I have won something was when I was about 15. It was a copy of MJ’s ‘Blood on the Dance Floor’, and I was over the moon with excitement. I didn’t even remember entering the contest, and the feeling of receiving something by a chance draw is really special. It’s a gift, but a gift from someone you don’t know, and only because you actively did something. But you did something, and it paid off. High five myself, applause from the audience and an inner smile for the rest of the day. Lovely!
Back to the book: I will be posting my (translated) review of the book on my blog as soon as I finish it. (And here it is)
Just as an initial comment; I don’t like the cover. And it has nothing to do with the giant toad, which I actually find charming, or the font (Minion, to you font lovers out there). Due to poor photography skills I have not been able to capture just how yellow the cover is, but I can assure you, it is mighty yellow. Screaming neon yellow to narrow it down a bit. And it hurts my eyes when I try to read the bloody letters because they are baby blue and black, and… so many contrasts, but hopefully my only concern regarding this book.
I have previously read ‘Hundehoved’ by the same author, and keeping in with the times of family narration, the generation saga, it was really well written. So there you are!
I am on a mission: two days, 255 pages, 1 review report and a, until further notice, sufficient amount of coffee to keep me going.