Win, win, win

Yey me!!!
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: if you wanna win the lottery, buy a ticket!! (ok, confession, that’s not true, I don’t say that, but Julia Roberts says it in ‘Eat, Prey, Love’, so soon everybody is gonna say it, so I might as well start the first wave in Denmark).
Anywayyyy: I’ve won a bookpacket in MEGA litt’s booklottery!!!


The thing is, I don’t know which one, because I guess they randomly select between the names and packets, plus they won’t say or be more specific than just ‘you won, congrats’ (very secretive indeed, wonder why) but I am keeping my fingers crossed for some of the packets, and very uncrossed for others.
My winning number is 18 – you can see it here – yey, big smiles, applause, a-thanka-you, bow, exit – and the bookpackets are here.

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  1. Reply
    Tina 11/11/2010

    hjartaliga til lukku systi 🙂 <3 🙂 eg giti mær til, at so fái eg eina bók í jólagávu? Glad giver, glad modtager?

    • Reply
      Penciltwister 11/11/2010

      Hmmm, dunno ’bout that 😀 vit fáa at síggja hvønn bókapakka eg fái 🙂

  2. Reply
    Ampoule 11/11/2010


    Jeg krydser fingre for de rigtige.

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